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Welcome to Big Island Christian Church!

Aloha and welcome! We are grateful for your interest in Big Island Christian Church. We exist to Glorify God as Christ’s saints joyfully Gathering, willfully Growing, lavishly Giving, and courageously Going in the power and unity of the Gospel! That's our G7 mission and ethos at Big Island Christian Church.

We are an overtly theologically conservative, Trinitarian Christian church (believing God is eternal as Father, Son, and Spirit) who uphold the absolute inerrancy and sufficiency of God’s Word (The Bible) as "theopneustos"—literally, God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). We are deeply evangelical (the "evangel" is the Good News or "Gospel" that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, is our resurrected LORD and returning King) in faith and practice. We exist to glorify God by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ as His joyfully devoted saints faithfully advancing His Kingdom to the ends of the earth... earth... earth...

As a Protestant Christian church, we are not affiliated with the progressively liberal "Christian Church" denomination, the Restoration Movement (Church of Christ), or any ecumenical, social justice, "New Apostolic," health & prosperity gospel, or LGBTQ-affirming groups or movements. Instead, we are firmly rooted in historically Apostolic biblical Christianity (Acts 2:42), committed to the immutable truth of Scripture (Ps 119:89-91), and the call to obedient, Spirit-led evangelism (Acts 1:8) and discipleship (Matt 28:19).

Because we boldly stand on biblical conviction, we WELCOME EVERYONE, just as Christ welcomed us—for while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). Whether seeking a new church home, visiting Kona, or searching for truth and hope in Jesus Christ, we invite you to join us for worship Sunday mornings 10 AM at 57-5719 Ali'i Drive (Hungry Honu Cafe'), as we joyfully pursue God’s glory together as an expression of our eagerly awaiting Christ's return (Hebrews 9:28)!

If you'd like more information about what we believe and practice, click >HERE< for our church's Statement of Faith & Practice and Membership.

We look forward to worshiping King Jesus, the eternal Son of God, with you!

🌿 Big Island Christian Church | Sunday Worship – 10 AM 🌿

Blessings & Aloha!
Kevin M. Kelley
Senior Pastor





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